Introducing Maja – The Adorable Oriental Cat with a Heart of Gold and Stunning Appearance

Maja the Oriental Cat

I have a deep fondness for all cats, but there is something about black cats that I can’t get enough of. These sleek felines are beloved by cat enthusiasts worldwide, and it’s easy to see why. One particular cool black cat named Maja, an Oriental Shorthair living in London, England, caught my eye. She has captivating eyes, not only due to her long, ballerina-like frame, but also her striking features and lovable ears. But don’t let her fierce stares fool you, she’s actually a big softie! I caught up with her cat dad, hoping to feature her on the site, and thankfully he agreed. So, everyone gets to know Maja…

Maja the Oriental Cat

Maja the Oriental Cat

What inspired you to choose such a cute name for your cat?

Maja’s name was inspired by one of the greatest ballerinas of the century, Russian Ballerina Maya Plisetskaya. Her gracefulness while walking is reminiscent of Maja’s fluid and silky black coat.

In my latest video, I explore why orange cats are typically so friendly.

As for Maja’s personality, she is cautious but curious. She will patiently wait from a good vantage point and eventually investigate anything new. Loud and unexpected noises make her lunge for a hidden spot. It’s every cat for themselves!

Maja the Oriental Cat

Maja the Oriental Cat

What are her favorite pastimes?
Maja’s profession is that of a trained assassin. Flies pose no challenge for her patience, cunning, and lightning attack. They fly into the window and are completely oblivious to the idea that they’ve wandered into the proverbial “lion’s den.” Their demise is assured. Various colorful strings and houseplants have met a similarly grisly fate. Maja is also an avid birdwatcher.
Does she have any dog or cat housemates at home?
Maja has Loki. Loki is a white Siamese cat with blue eyes. He’s slightly younger than Maja and his personality is entirely opposite to hers. Loki still acts like he’s a kitten. He’s bold and sticks his nose into anything; his curiosity is insatiable. He has his own Instagram page here:
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Loki the White Siamese

Maja the Oriental Cat

Does she talk a lot like most Oriental Shorthair cats?
She wasn’t always chatty, but she has become much more talkative in the last six months. She has discovered that when she wants my attention, she simply looks me in the eyes and meows; I am overcome with an urge to go and pet her and rub her gently. This process seems to have accelerated over the last few months. It must be nice to get a massage on request.
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Maja is a feline with a gentle soul, except for when it comes to flies or strings. She enjoys snuggling up on my lap or climbing to high vantage points to survey everything. Maja is a thoughtful cat who makes decisions and movements only after careful study and observation. She and Loki both consume only raw meat since cats are complete carnivores, after all. Anything special that you would like people to know about Maja?

Maja the Oriental Cat

Maja the Oriental Cat

I want to express my gratitude to Steve, the owner of Maja, for allowing me to share her story and precious photos with all the readers of Cattitude Daily. If you’re interested in learning more about this beautiful girl, be sure to check out her Instagram page. And if you’re curious about Oriental Shorthair cats, check out this article on Cattitude Daily to learn all about this cool cat breed.

Maja the Oriental Cat

Maja the Oriental Cat

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