A New Start: Rescued German Shepherd Finds Forever Family

A German Shepherd who was cruelly abandoned in a river by her owners and left to drown has finally found a loving new home after months of recovery at an animal center. Bella, an 11-year-old dog, was saved from the River Trent last year by Jane Harper, who spotted her struggling in the water. After a long 15 months of care at the RSPCA, Bella has been adopted by Maggie Mellish, 79, and Charlie Douglas, 70, in South Derbyshire, thanks to a TV feature that caught their attention. The retired couple instantly connected with Bella’s sweet personality and knew she was meant to be a part of their family. Charlie expressed their shock and sadness at Bella’s past ordeal but is grateful to provide her with the love and care she deserves in her new forever home.

German Shepherd Bella, pictured, has found a new forever home after a 14 months-long appeal after her former owner tried to drown her by leaving her in the River Trent with a rock tied to her neck

Bella, the German Shepherd in the photo, has finally settled into her new forever home after a long and stressful 14-month search. This came after her previous owner attempted to harm her by abandoning her in the River Trent with a rock tied around her neck.

Heroic passerby Jane Harper, pictured, managed to pull Bella out of the water at the time of the incident

In a heroic act, passerby Jane Harper saved Bella from a water incident with freezing cold water. Bella, who has various health problems, was lucky to survive. Bella’s previous owner, Charlene Latham, was given a 12-month community order after pleading guilty to causing harm to her pet. Latham was also fined £80, with additional costs and a victim surcharge, and banned from owning dogs for three years. Despite Latham’s pleas, her ex-partner, Leigh Johnson, did not help in rescuing Bella. The RSPCA did not have enough evidence to prosecute Johnson, who denied the accusations.

Bella was found up to her neck in water in the River Trent in Farndon, Nottinghamshire, in January last year

In January of last year, Bella was discovered submerged in the River Trent in Farndon, Nottinghamshire, with the water reaching up to her neck.

At the time of the incident, locals jumped in to help Bella, with one man placing several towels on top of her to warm her up

When the incident occurred, nearby residents came to Bella’s aid, with one individual covering her with towels to help warm her up. Ella Carpenter, who manages Radcliffe Animal Centre, shared details of the event on a recent episode of This Morning. According to Ella, there was a clear intention to harm Bella by throwing her into the River Trent during the night. Bella remained in the water for hours until two courageous dog walkers noticed her movement and faint flicker of her eyes around 8 o’clock in the morning. Acting swiftly, they jumped into the water and rescued her. Upon freeing her, they realized she was tied to a rock, highlighting the severity of the deliberate attempt to harm her. The authorities were called, and Bella was taken to a local veterinarian before being brought to the center for her recovery.

A police officer pictured showing the rock which Bella's cruel former owner had attached to her leash to drown her

A police officer displayed the rock that Bella’s cruel former owner had used to weigh down her leash and drown her. After reading about Bella’s story in the news, Maggie and Charlie reached out to the animal center. Maggie expressed, “As a family, we have had three Shepherd-type dogs in the last 30 years and have always cherished them. We lost our rescue dog Tia/Luna two years ago and my daughter’s dog Flame earlier this year, so we truly missed having a furry companion. When we heard about Bella and her need for a home, my daughter Clare Lusher encouraged us to apply for her.”

Bella was taken under the care of the RSPCA after the incident, who nursed her back to health (pictured in an ambulance after her near drawning)

Bella received help from the RSPCA following the incident, where they were able to nurse her back to health. A photo showed her in an ambulance after her near drowning.

Bella was traumatised by her experience and longed to find a loving family. It took 15 months to rehabilitate her

Bella had a harrowing experience and was yearning to find a loving family. It took 15 months of rehabilitation for her to heal from her past trauma. “We are committed to taking care of her veterinary needs,” they said. “Despite her age, we want to provide her with the loving home she truly deserves after everything she’s gone through. Both retired, we will provide her with constant companionship, which is exactly what she needs, and it will be beneficial for us too.” In the meantime, Charlie admitted that they were shocked to learn about Bella’s past. “We were appalled by what she went through, but when we met her, we realized what an amazing personality she has and how perfect she is for us.”

Bella resting after her ordeal in 2020. The pup has now fully recovered and lives happier days with her new owners

Bella is now resting peacefully after her challenging experience in 2020. With her health fully restored, she is now enjoying her days with her new owners. The couple recently spent some quality time with Bella at the animal center where she was cared for before officially bringing her home. Bella’s rescuers, Jane and her friend Joanne Bellamy, were also present to witness this heartwarming event at Radcliffe Animal Centre in Nottingham. Reflecting on the emotional journey, Jane expressed how heartening it was to see Bella’s transformation under the care of the RSPCA. Bella now sports a beautiful coat and radiates happiness and energy, a stark contrast from the past. Witnessing her rehabilitation and knowing that she will now be part of a loving family filled Jane with joy and gratitude.

Bella was later transferred into the care of the RSPCA Radcliffe Animal Centre in Nottingham where she fought back to good health

Bella was then moved to the RSPCA Radcliffe Animal Centre in Nottingham, where she bravely battled her way back to full health.

Jane Harper, left and Joanne Bellamy, who helped rescue Bella were reunited with her as she was adopted by a loving new family

Jane Harper and Joanne Bellamy, who were instrumental in rescuing Bella, were overjoyed to be reunited with her as she found a new, loving family to adopt her. They expressed their happiness at meeting Bella’s new owners and mentioned their intention to stay in touch. Ella also shared her thoughts, describing it as a perfect happy ending to a story that began with sadness and doubt about Bella’s survival after a traumatic experience. Despite her age and health issues, Bella persevered and showed incredible strength and determination to recover, refusing to give up the fight.

Sophie Major, an animal care assistant at the Radcliffe Animal Centre in Nottingham, pictured  with Bella now

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