Lost and Alone: Abandoned Blind Pit Bull Tied to a Park Bench, Facing an Uncertain Future

I can’t fathom how someone could treat a blind pit bull like that. Thankfully, the sweet pup is now safe and loved in a new home!

Blind pit was tied to a park bench and left there had no idea where she was or why she was left behind.

Many times, individuals bring dogs into their lives without fully understanding the immense commitment that comes with owning a pet. In such cases, one can only hope that they will act responsibly, but there are some truly remarkable people out there. When a visually impaired pit bull was deserted by its owner and found clinging to a park bench, no one could fathom what had led to this heartbreaking situation.

Polly, the blind pit bull, found herself deserted on a park bench with no sign of her heartless owner. Alone and scared, she was left bewildered and disoriented in Santa Barbara.

She anxiously waited for her owners to come back, but they never showed up. Luckily, the park is regularly monitored by animal control officers, so they eventually located Polly. Upon finding her, Polly was too frightened to move from the park bench, even after they freed her from the leash. The terrified dog was paralyzed with fear, but with some gentle coaxing, they were finally able to get her to move from the bench.

The animal control officers were shocked to see the cruelty inflicted upon the helpless dog. Little did they know, the worst was yet to come. Their investigation revealed that Polly had been used by heartless owners for breeding and then abandoned after giving birth to pit bull puppies.

Indeed, it is true that the heartless owners only took in Polly to profit from selling her puppies. They forced her to breed repeatedly, separating her from her babies as soon as they were born. Polly was fortunate enough to be rescued by Jennifer Wales, an animal lover. Upon learning about Polly’s distressing past, Wales made it her mission to rescue her. It took a cheeseburger and a lot of patience, but eventually Polly was able to relax and get a good night’s sleep in her new home.

With the absence of noisy barking and scary noises coming from the backyard breeders, Polly was finally able to unwind. However, more unfortunate news was soon to follow. Wales took Polly for a more extensive medical evaluation, during which she received some devastating news. The heart of the blind pit bull was failing, and only costly tests could determine if she was a candidate for surgery.

Thanks to some kind donations, Wales was able to cover the cost of the test, but unfortunately, the results were not good. Years of rapid breeding had weakened Polly’s heart, making her ineligible for surgery. However, on the bright side, Polly is now free from the abusive owners who had been mistreating her.

When the veterinarians advised Wales that all she could do was ensure Polly’s comfort for the rest of her life, she took it to heart. Now, Polly the pit bull is thriving and living her best life. Gone is the scared pup they found on a bench that day. To witness Polly’s amazing transformation, check out the video below!

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