The Story of a Rescued Deaf Dog: Her Fear of Being Abandoned Again

Around 5-10% of dogs in the US suffer from deafness. It can either be acquired as they grow old or present at birth. Inherited deafness, on the other hand, is typically caused by mutations in the cochleosaccular gene, a common occurrence in dogs with blue eyes and white coats.

Blu is a pitbull with pure white fur and striking blue eyes. Unfortunately, she was born deaf and spent her days in an animal shelter without any visitors.

Mark and Sean were in luck as they were on the lookout for a deaf dog to adopt in the San Francisco area. They stumbled upon two at Family Dog Rescue, one of which was Blu. Upon meeting her at the shelter, they were enamored with her vivacious nature. In no time, she formed a strong connection with Sean and they became inseparable. It was later revealed that Blu had lived with her original owners for six years before they had to move to a new place that did not allow pit bulls, forcing them to surrender her to a shelter. Blu had been in the shelter for an extended period, making her one of the longest residents there.

It took some time for Blu to adjust to her new dads, and being alone for a long period of time was a contributing factor. Blu was uncertain about their intentions and whether they would keep her or return her to the shelter. During their initial trip to the beach, which happened a few days after Blu joined their family, she was petrified and trembling in the back of the car. However, Blu began to open up and become more comfortable as she spent more time with Mark and Sean, and her personality flourished as a result.

Even after three years, Blu still loves going on car rides and getting all the attention and love that Mark and Sean shower on her. Mark and Sean have made sure to show Blu how much she means to them, resulting in a strong bond between them. They’ve developed a unique way of communicating with Blu, and she can understand where they’re headed based on her father’s movements or sniffing their feet during walks.

“I guess she’s like my spirit animal,” Sean shared with a grin. Blu seems to have a sixth sense when it comes to Sean’s emotions, whether he’s anxious, happy, or upset. “We just have this unspoken connection,” he added.

Blu is even attuned to the little finger wiggles Mark and Sean use to communicate with her. When she’s doing a good job, they wiggle their fingers in a certain way that Blu recognizes. And if Sean’s expression turns stern, she knows it’s time to calm down.

To help Blu manage stress, they’ve enlisted the help of a trainer who has taught her relaxation techniques such as stretching. Blu’s wellbeing is a top priority for Mark and Sean, and they’re committed to making sure she’s happy and healthy.

Blu’s deafness doesn’t alter her daily routine or how she connects with her new family. According to Mark, it only affects her ability to establish relationships with other canines. Mark clarified that there are several subtle language cues that dogs use to communicate with one another, which Blu and his previous deaf pets were unable to comprehend.

“Dogs who are deaf listen with their hearts,” Sean said, expressing his love for these special and remarkable animals. He went on to explain that Blue, their deaf dog, is not disturbed by fireworks during holidays, which usually bother most dogs. It’s heartwarming to see the affection Mark and Sean have for Blu.

It’s clear that there is a mutual sense of happiness between Blu and her new family. Blu seems to be thriving in her new home, showing signs of contentment and good health. We’re thrilled to see Blu finding a loving home with her new dads and hope that her heartwarming story will be shared with others. Don’t miss the opportunity to watch the touching video of Blu and her two dads below! Spread the love by sharing this heartwarming story with your loved ones.

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