How a Rescued Dalmatian Found New Beginnings and Flourished in a Life of Love and Transformation

Emma Roo, a beautiful Dalmatian dog with only two legs, was rescued from the cruel dog meat trade in China and given a new lease on life. Her harrowing journey began when she was just 8 weeks old and found in a local slaughterhouse in Xi’An, China. It was clear that she had been subjected to brutal abuse as she was missing her front legs, had the tips of her ears cut off, and part of her tail was gone. Fortunately, Emma was rescued just in time and brought to a veterinary clinic in Beijing where she received the much-needed care and attention for her recovery. Despite her physical limitations, Emma was able to find joy and happiness with her new family who gave her the love and support she needed to thrive. Her story is a testament to the resilience and spirit of animals who deserve to be treated with compassion and kindness.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Upon conducting a medical check-up on the young girl, medical professionals discovered a deformity in her hind leg and missing fingers, leading them to believe that she was intended for slaughter. It has been reported that some individuals who sell dog meat believe that cutting off an animal’s limbs without any pain relief results in the production of adrenaline, which supposedly makes the meat more tender and appealing to consumers.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Emma, a young girl, had to be put under foster care for a while. However, after two years, she was sent back to the clinic in 2019. This situation prompted a group of rescuers to seek assistance from Dalmatian Rescue, a non-profit organization based in South Florida, USA. Their aim was to help Emma lead a better life since dog adoptions were more prevalent overseas than in China.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

On April 20, 2020, Emma made her way to the United States before animal exports were halted because of Covid-19. Once she arrived at the organization’s facilities, volunteers took it upon themselves to spread the word about her situation on social media in hopes of finding her a loving home.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Misha Rackcliff Hunt, a young lady of 27, came across a post online and couldn’t resist the charm of Emma, the adorable three-year-old dog. She was determined to lend a helping hand and decided to adopt Emma, bringing her back to Charleston, South Carolina.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

According to Misha, who spoke with the Daily Mail, the wounds on Emma were caused by humans. It seems that this kind of mistreatment is not uncommon for rare breeds that have been tortured and dismembered. Despite all of Emma’s troubles, Misha works hard to give her a sense of normalcy and happiness. However, due to the many instances of terror and abuse she has faced in this terrible environment, she still suffers from psychological trauma.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

According to Micha, his furry friend Emma had a peculiar fear of loud sounds produced by machines such as chainsaws, hair dryers, vacuum cleaners, and lawn mowers. When he first brought her home, she would let out screams whenever she left the room and was very possessive of her food and toys. Strangely, she even held on to random pieces of Micha’s clothing as she feared that they might be taken away from her. Emma’s distrust of men was also evident, prompting Micha to hire a male therapist to help her overcome this fear. The move proved successful in changing Emma’s behavior for the better.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

When Misha stumbled upon Emma’s picture on the internet, she was immediately captivated by her beautiful eyes and knew in her heart that she was meant to be her mother. Despite the daunting paperwork and legalities that came with adoption, Misha’s love for Emma overshadowed any concerns and she was determined to bring her home.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

According to Micha, when he first met her, he assumed that she was distant or disinterested in people due to the trauma she had experienced. However, she proved him wrong as she immediately snuggled into his embrace. On their way back home, which took a five-hour drive, she seemed to have realized that Micha is her human and felt safe with him.
In an effort to enhance his living standard, Misha collaborated with Dalmatian Rescue to raise funds for a customized wheeled cart.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Furthermore, Misha’s dog Emma was able to receive custom-made prostheses thanks to the help of Joey’s PAW organization. Emma was also appointed as an ambassador for the organization. The prostheses were provided by Derrick Campana of Bionic Pets. Although Emma is still undergoing therapy and weekly baths, her recovery is progressing well and she is visibly happier than before.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

In the past, Emma was quite mistrustful of others and would often conceal her belongings. However, her attitude has shifted, and now she takes pleasure in meeting new acquaintances. She has even amassed a following of more than 13,000 individuals on Instagram.

rescued two legged dalmatian finds home

Despite facing difficulties in managing her prosthetics and stroller due to her body posture, Emma is making progress with the help of therapies. Her playful nature has re-emerged as she enjoys playing with toys like balls and stuffed animals. Additionally, Emma is becoming more sociable and interacts with other dogs at the park.

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He absolutely adores swimming and the beach has quickly become one of his top spots. He’s come to understand that there’s an entire universe waiting to be explored. Micha expressed, “The beach is an ideal location for him since he can gallop freely on the velvety sand. I was moved to tears witnessing his overwhelming joy.”

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Misha and Emma are making use of their online fame to bring attention to the continued existence of the dog meat industry. They are particularly focused on events such as the Yulin Dog Meat Festival, which takes place annually and results in the death of approximately 10,000 animals.

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